Tips for Success from the Nevada Restaurant Health Guide

Offer a healthy experience with the right plan, training, QR code menus, and more

Menu QR codes can help you provide a fun, safe alternative to paper menus.

Menu QR codes can help you provide a fun, safe alternative to paper menus.

Now that more restaurants, bars and businesses are opening, it’s important to follow local, municipal guidelines to ensure a safe and healthy experience for your customers and team members.

Do you have a new plan in place to meet all of the requirements?

Here are some helpful tips from the Southern Nevada Health District, especially if you sell food and beverages!

5 Top Tips to Meet Health Guidelines and Provide a Great Experience for All!

1. Review and plan.

Before you do anything, check with all of your local health guidelines to see what the requirements are for your particular business. Then, make a list so you know exactly what you need to do. This will entail steps to update your employee policies, business and cleaning procedures, providing the appropriate safety equipment, and more.

Review all of this data and create a specific plan that includes activities, costs, deadlines and more. Organize everything now so you don’t miss important details later on.

2. Confirm employee health.

Ensure that all of your employees are feeling well before they enter the workplace. Check their temperature, ensure they don’t have any symptoms of illness and haven’t been exposed to the COVID-19 virus. Check out this questionnaire for help.

Also, review your new policies with them so they know how to protect themselves from getting sick, what is expected of them, how to serve customers, and important details about updates and changes at your establishment. You’ll also need to teach them all of your new cleaning and sanitization procedures to help keep everyone safe.

3. Check for operational plumbing, electrical and other services.

New guidelines mean that everything in your business must be working accordingly. For example, you must be able to provide hot water at a minimum of 120°F, flush pipes accordingly to get rid of sale water and verify that all of your gas and electrical services operate correctly.

Inspect all of the key services that make your building and business run effectively to avoid any surprises in the future.

4. Get the appropriate supplies.

Do you have all of the appropriate masks, gloves, aprons, and other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) necessary for your business to function?

What about cleaning and disinfectant products?

And do you have hand-sanitizing stations, QR code menus that don’t need to be touched and places where employees and customers can easily clean their hands?

Review everything necessary to proceed and the costs involved. Note that the latest QR code menus can help you save thousands in printing costs while providing a safe and simple way for customers to order, get interesting messages, and more.

5. Move forward!

Once employees know what to do, all of your services have been checked and you have the right products in place, open your doors with confidence.

Constantly check to see how all of your new procedures are going and how new products are working out such as QR code menus, hand-sanitizing stations and more. Then, adjust as needed.

Plan Now to Save Later.

It’s finally time to reopen for business. However, it’s essential to follow the health guidelines of your local area. Make a list of all of the things you need to do, check and order along with the costs involved. Train your team members on all of your new policies and procedures. Then, check the results on a regular basis to see where you need to make updates and changes for the best results.

Yes, this entails a lot of work, but not only can it help you save thousands of dollars in the future and avoid the risk of being shut down by health officials, it can also help you revise your business for the better.

Now is your chance to provide a new and unique experience for your customers and create a fun and safe atmosphere for your team members, so they love to come to work every day!

Want to learn more about how you can use QR code menus and the latest technology to create a fun and safe environment for your employees and customers?

Contact us here to learn more today.